Photographing Steven’s surprise proposal to Nicole was such a wholesome experience. When Steven first reached out to me, he said that he was planning to surprise her at the National Cathedral because he loved how dramatic and elegant the location looked and that after popping the question, he was going to arrange for a family celebration back at home together. Since they’ve been in a long-distance relationship, it’s made the planning experience both easier and more difficult – and this is where I find a lot of appreciation in the hard work of those who propose go through in the planning process haha.
Due to the long distance of both family members as well as the two of them as a couple, there had to be a lot of travel coordination to make sure everyone flew in at the same time. Then there was the matter of reserving a photoshoot time at the National Cathedral since you need a permit in order to photograph there (Here’s a link straight to how to reserve a permit). Steven and I hopped on the phone to discuss the plan together on how exactly he can propose in order to capture the moment on my end perfectly.
Later on that week, we met up in person at the National Cathedral to run through the plan together. I listened to him point out which spots within the grounds that he really liked in particular, and we both agreed on what we think would be a great spot for him to pop the question. Because he wanted me to be kept hidden from Nicole until he gets down on one knee, it would require me to be hiding away secretly in order to not ruin the surprise. We decided on the spot called “Cathedral Garth And All Souls Memorial Garden” since I would easily be able to hide behind pillars as Steven takes Nicole into the enclosed area.
Of course, the answer was an immediate “Yes!” and after I gave them a minute to themselves to really take in the moment alone, we went around the grounds to take advantage of all the gorgeous backdrops the National Cathedral had to offer. The Bishop Garden is a really beautiful spot to get in lots of greenery with the building in the background. The stone archways at its entrance create super pretty framing for portraits as well. We were also able to take advantage of some florals that were set up on the Cathedral steps too! Congratulations again, Steven + Nicole!
Watch this reel I made of their sweet proposal moment!